Racism |
This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
"Pomagamy". Nowoczesne Pismo Wolontariuszy |
www.pomagamy.pl |
Pomagamy (We Are Helping) is an online service and free publication created by volunteers for volunteers. The aim is to call attention to the suffering of others and to combat indifference. The publication contains many articles and announcements for openminded people wanting to help others. [ more]
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (Initiative für Zivilgesellschaft Und Demokratische Kultur) - Foundation for Civil Society and Democratic Culture |
www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de |
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (AAS) was founded in 1998. Its main purpose is to combat right-wing extremism, racism and antisemitism. AAS is active in Germany, mainly in the states of the former East Germany, where the threat from right-wing extremists is greatest. [ more]
Amcha. Israeli Centers for Holocaust Survivors and the Second Generation |
www.amcha.org |
AMCHA is a codeword Jews used to identify each other as survivors after the Holocaust. The organization that goes by that name in Israel is a help network of psychologists, educators and social workers, for survivors and their families. It is focused on the psychological effects of experiences connected with the Shoah. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is thus an important topic of the AMCHA site and of many publications produced by that organization. [ more]
Anti-Rassismus-Informations-Zentrum (ARiC) |
www.aric.de |
The main aim of the Antiracist Information Center (ARiC) is to create a network of organizations against violence, discrimination and racism, and for the harmonious coexistence of many cultures. It also offers advice and support for organizations working with refugees and immigrants.
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Antisemitism And Xenophobia Today (AXT) |
www.axt.org.uk |
The Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today (AXT) site is where high-profile analyses and reports by independent organizations such as the Institute for Jewish Policy Research are published. In its publications, the Institute discusses the concepts of racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia in different regions of the world in a wide political, social and cultural context, aiming to influence people's attitudes and raise greater social awareness.
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Beit Warsaw |
www.beit-warszawa.org.pl |
The Beit Warszawa Jewish Cultural Association is a progressive, egalitarian Jewish social organization promoting the spiritual life and culture of Jews. [ more]
Bündnis Aktiver Fußballfans (BAFF) |
www.aktive-fans.de |
Bündnis Aktiver Fußballfans (BAFF) the Alliance of Active Football Fans, was created in 1993 in Germany. It brings together 200 related organizations and individual members. BAFF is part of the Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE) network. The Alliance is concerned with protecting the rights of fans. [ more]
Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) |
www.carf.demon.co.uk |
CARF is an independent anti-racist magazine which documents resistance to racism.
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Center for Holocaust, Genocide & Peace Studies |
www.unr.edu/chgps/blank.htm |
The Center for Holocaust, Genocide & Peace Studies is at the University of Nevada, Reno (U.S.A.). It is engaged in studies of the Holocaust, prejudice and contemporary ethnic conflicts. [ more]
Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) |
www.cre.gov.uk |
The Commission for Racial Equality is an organization established in 1976 to combat discrimination and racism in Great Britain. It promotes good-neighbor relations between ethnic communities. The website contains information about the ethnic groups that make up British society, many articles and publications, and many links. [ more]
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination |
www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/6/cerd.htm |
One of the UN goals included in the United Nations Charter is promotion of attitudes of respect for the law and fundamental human rights. This objective is realized in part by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) under the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. [ more]
Crosspoint Anti Racism |
www.magenta.nl/crosspoint/index.html |
Crosspoint Anti Racism is the largest online collection of links to organizations dedicated to human rights, antifascism, antiracism and refugees. It was created by the Magenta Foundation based in Amsterdam, which works to combat all forms of discrimination against minority groups. Crosspoint currently offers over 2,000 links to organizations in 114 countries.
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Education International (EI) |
www.ei-ie.org |
Education International (EI) is an association of education personnel from 165 countries and regions of the world. It defends teachers' and educators' interests, and promotes peace, democracy and social justice in public education. Special emphasis is placed on combatting racism and discrimination, and on the rights of women, minorities and indigenous people. [ more]
EUMC - European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia |
eumc.eu.int |
The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia is an independent body of the European Union, founded in 1997. The Centre provides objective and reliable comparative data on racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and antisemitism in European countries. Its objective is to help the EU and member states define the nature and extent of these phenomena and to develop courses of action against them. The website offers descriptions of organizations dedicated to combating racism and xenophobia, and links to projects, analyses and reports. [ more]
European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) |
www.coe.int/ecri |
ECRI is part of the Council of Europe dedicated to fighting racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance at the European level, especially from the perspective of human rights.
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European Network Against Racism |
www.enar-eu.org |
ENAR links various European non-governmental organizations struggling against racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and religious discrimination in all European countries.
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European Research Center on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER) |
www.ercomer.org |
The European Research Center on Migration and Ethnic Relations is engaged in research on international migration, ethnic relations, racism and ethnic conflict in Europe. The Center is affiliated with the Faculty of Social Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The website provides information about the Center's research and about the organization's goals, conferences, seminars and publications. [ more]
Football Against Racism in Europe |
www.farenet.org |
Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE) is an organization working to combat all manifestations of racism, ranging from stadium, playing field and changing room incidents to prejudice in fans, sports industry figures and the football players themselves. [ more]
Football Unites, Racism Divides |
www.furd.org |
Football Unites, Racism Divides is an organization established by fans of the British sports club Sheffield United. Its goal is to combat racism in stadiums and to provide all people with equal access to football events. [ more]
Future |
www.future.ngo.pl |
The website, containing educational materials, is dedicated to reflection on topics such as tolerance, respect and dialogue.
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GELD – Le Groupe d’Etude et de Lutte contre les Discriminations |
www.le114.com |
GELD – Le Groupe d'Etude et de Lutte contre les Discriminations is a government-supported public interest agency dedicated to studying and combatting racial, gender and religious discrimination. It runs a free national hotline in France. [ more]
Henry Martyn Institute (HMI). International Center For Research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation |
www.hmiindia.com |
The Henry Martyn Institute (HMI) is an ecumenical Christian organization whose goal is to research and implement educational programs in Islamic studies, and to take an active part in interfaith reconciliation. [ more]
Hilchenbacher Bündnis für Toleranz und Zivilcourage |
www.hilchenbacherbuendnis.de |
The Union is active in German cities. Its purpose is to offer information on right-wing extremists. Its activities are supported by the Evangelical community in the town of Hilchen and its mayor. [ more]
Internet Centre Anti-Racism Europe I-CARE |
www.icare.to |
I-CARE is an online forum for cooperation among European NGOs, and a center for information about migration and about combatting discrimination and racism. The goal of this cooperation is to promote universal standards for protection of human rights, and non-discrimination principles in particular. [ more]
LICRA - Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et Antisémitisme |
www.licra.org |
Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et Antisémitisme (LICRA), established in 1927, is the oldest French organization dealing with issues related to combatting racism and antisemitism in the international forum. [ more]
Minority Rights Group International |
www.minorityrights.org |
Minority Rights Group International is a nongovernmental organization acting to protect the rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. The organization works to focus public attention on the circumstances and problems of minority groups, and to promote understanding and cooperation between communities. The website offers a range of educational materials about overcoming stereotypes and discrimination, as well as The Outsider, a publication dedicated to minority issues. [ more]
National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) |
www.nameorg.org |
The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) is an organization advocating equality in education and social justice. [ more]
Open Republic - The Association Against Antisemitism and Xenophobia |
or.icm.edu.pl |
The Open Republic Association's goal is to foster tolerance and combat anti-Semitism and xenophobia, mainly by initiating and supporting educational activities, documenting manifestations of prejudice and making the public aware of them. [ more]
Pro Asyl |
www.proasyl.de |
Pro Asyl was created in 1986 and operates across Germany. It is a member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE). It aims to help refugees, combat violence and injustice, and build a more open and tolerant German society.
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Rromano Kham Foundation |
users.pcnet.ro/helin/Khamhtml.htm |
The Rromano Kham Foundation works to ensure that Romani children and youth have equal opportunities to participate in society through equal access to education, assistance in developing a sense of self-worth and ethnic belonging, and efforts to prevent discrimination, segregation, and ethnic and racial stereotyping.
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Ruban Vert (Green Ribbon) |
www.rubanvert.net |
The Green Ribbon (Ruban Vert) project is devoted to informing youth about maintaining tolerance in school.
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Searchlight |
www.searchlightmagazine.com |
Searchlight is the main British magazine leading the fight against racism, neo-nazism, fascism and other forms of discrimination. Searchlight describes these occurrences to many areas, from education to monitoring of racist and other types of groups, organizing campaigns to combat all kinds of "isms", and helping to shape government domestic policy.
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Seeds of Peace |
www.seedsofpeace.org |
Seeds of Peace is a NGO organizing annual workshops and camps for youth from regions affected by military conflicts. [ more]
SOS.Racisme |
www.sos-racisme.org |
SOS.Racisme is a French organization established in 1983 to eliminate racial discrimination and promote social equality through education. [ more]
Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Wiêcej, The Never Again Association |
free.ngo.pl/nw |
The Never Again Association was created in 1996 by the Anti-Nazi Group (GAN). Its goal is to create a pressure group to combat social pathologies and indifference towards the growing wave of hatred. [ more]
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation |
www.vhf.org |
Survivors of the Shoah is a foundation established by Steven Spielberg in 1994. Its goal is to film and preserve the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, as visual history. The Foundation has collected about 52,000 visual recordings in 32 languages from 56 countries. [ more]
Teaching for Change |
www.teachingforchange.org |
Teaching for Change is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., which works to incorporate problems of social inequality and injustice into the education process. Its goal is to introduce materials and methods into the American educational system that teach what multiculturalism means and sensitize students to the symptoms of social discrimination. The website includes a unique catalog of publications useful to teachers, a calendar of conferences and workshops, descriptions of projects carried out in the District of Columbia, and links to critical analyses of current events.
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The Center for Culture and Dialogue |
www.ignatianum.edu.pl/centrum |
The Center for Culture and Dialogue is an organization that addresses all those concerned with the future of Poland's culture. The organization's aim is to create a dialogue between different cultures, to produce common solutions to today's social problems.
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The Platform of European Social NGOs (Social Platform) |
www.socialplatform.org |
The Social Platform (SP) is an association of over 30 European nongovernmental organizations involved in promoting the social dimension of the European Union. The goal of SP is to build a Europe based on social justice and fundamental human rights. The organizations involved in the Platform cooperate with the most important EU institutions. [ more]
www.unesco.ru |
The Russian-language version of the UNESCO web page contains a publications list of mainly Russian authors, on the topics of tolerance and teaching tolerance in the world, with special attention to overcoming violence and promoting tolerance as well as cultural diversity in the world. [ more]
Verein für Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit (ZARA) |
www.zara.or.at |
ZARA is an Austrian association of social work and legal aid specialists. They offer free advice and intervention in cases of racial discrimination, accompany victims in court proceedings, and document reported cases of rights violation. [ more]
www.civilrights.org |
www.civilrights.org |
Civilrights.org was created by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund as a center of information about human rights.
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