This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
Ruban Vert (Green Ribbon)
The web page is dedicated to the Green Ribbon (Ruban Vert) project. As part of combating violence and discrimination in French schools, students and teachers are encouraged to organize various types of events, during which all willing participants pin on green ribbons. Events include surveys about violence in schools, sporting competitions and other happenings. The project is supported by the French Ministry of Education and UNICEF. The web page,, belongs to the server of Okapi, a biweekly for youth aged 10-15, published by Bayard, one of the biggest French publishers of newspapers and magazines.
The web page is geared toward high school youth and teachers, interested in joining Green Ribbon activities. They can organize a one-time event or form a Green Ribbon club. The web page contains directions for organizers, and forms for club registration and ordering green ribbons.
Language version: French
News: no
Newsletter: yes, biweekly Okapi
Downloadable educational materials: Although Ruban Vert is a French project and only French schools can order green ribbons, the information featured on the web page can be useful to whose wanting to start similar initiatives. Furthermore, the page contains the "Green Ribbon Charter on Tolerance" (html format), a decalogue of rights and responsibilities of students regarding tolerance in school (edited and adopted by students).
Contact: E-mail: