Civil Society |
This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) |
www.prio.no |
The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) is one of the first peace research institutes in the world, and the only one in Norway. It combines research and practice, searching for optimal solutions to existing or potential conflicts all over the world [ more]
"Pomagamy". Nowoczesne Pismo Wolontariuszy |
www.pomagamy.pl |
Pomagamy (We Are Helping) is an online service and free publication created by volunteers for volunteers. The aim is to call attention to the suffering of others and to combat indifference. The publication contains many articles and announcements for openminded people wanting to help others. [ more]
Alberta Justice |
www.justice.gov.ab.ca/home |
Alberta Justice/Alberta Solicitor General is an official government website devoted to the justice and court systems of the province of Alberta, Canada. The aim of the website is to provide interested persons with reliable information about Alberta's legal system and the related administration. The site contains a wealth of information and links to other government pages. [ more]
Association for Creative Change in Organization Renewal and Development (ACCORD) |
www.accord.org |
The Association for Creative Change in Organization Renewal and Development (ACCORD) is an association of professionals from various sectors, whose objective is to create opportunities for positive change in organizations and communities, with emphasis on the human factor. It promotes and supports the personal and professional development of its members by organizing conferences and workshops and creating a space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences [ more]
CEDR. Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution |
www.cedr.co.uk |
The mission of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) is to encourage the development and use of mediation techniques and other effective methods of conflict resolution and prevention. CEDR is active in the commercial and public sectors. CEDR is an independent non-profit organization supported by international business and independent specialists from various fields. [ more]
Central Asia and the Caucasus |
www.ca-c.org |
The main objectives of the Center for Social and Political Studies include education and analysis of the social and political situation in countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as creation and distribution of a database [ more]
CODEP. The Conflict, Development and Peace Network |
www.codep.org.uk |
The Conflict, Development and Peace Network (CODEP) aims to reduce violent conflict and to help the worst-affected victims. Many nongovernmental organizations, educational institutions and government agencies participate in the effort. The CODEP website is an independent discussion forum enabling exchange of valuable information.
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Council of Europe |
www.coe.int |
The Council of Europe, created in 1949, is the oldest European political institution. It consists of 46 member nations. COE objectives include protection of human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law; development of continent-wide agreements in order to harmonize the social policies and legal practices of individual nations; and raising awareness of a European identity based on the common values present in various cultures.
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D@dalos. International UNESCO Education Server for Civic, Peace and Human Rights Education |
www.dadalos.org |
D@dalos aims to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, democracy and active citizenship through peace education programs. [ more]
Educators for Social Responsibility Metropolitan Area (ESR Metro) |
www.esrmetro.org |
ESR Metro is a non-profit organization active in New York City public schools since 1982. It strives to educate parents, students and teachers about understanding cultural differences, and to sensitize young people to issues of civil society. [ more]
EUMC - European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia |
eumc.eu.int |
The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia is an independent body of the European Union, founded in 1997. The Centre provides objective and reliable comparative data on racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and antisemitism in European countries. Its objective is to help the EU and member states define the nature and extent of these phenomena and to develop courses of action against them. The website offers descriptions of organizations dedicated to combating racism and xenophobia, and links to projects, analyses and reports. [ more]
Eurasia Foundation |
www.efsccp.org, eurasia.org.ru |
The Eurasia Foundation is a privately managed grant-awarding organization dedicated to funding programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve new independent states of the former Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. [ more]
Europäisches Bürgerforum (European Civic Forum) |
www.forumcivique.org |
Europäisches Bürgerforum was created at the initiative of citizens of Eastern and Western Europe. Under the new political conditions after the fall of the Berlin Wall, they deemed it important to find a "third way" in their mutual relations.
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European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) |
www.ecmi.de |
ECMI conducts research on and actively supports constructive conflict resolution between minorities and majorities in Europe. It shares the collected information and documentation with governments and regional inter-governmental organizations, as well as non-dominant groups. ECMI also provides data and analyses to the media, contributing to the work of informing public opinion.
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European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) |
www.coe.int/ecri |
ECRI is part of the Council of Europe dedicated to fighting racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance at the European level, especially from the perspective of human rights.
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European Network Against Racism |
www.enar-eu.org |
ENAR links various European non-governmental organizations struggling against racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and religious discrimination in all European countries.
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Fundacja Klub Obywatelski (Civic Club Foundation) |
klub-obywatelski.org.pl |
The Civic Club Foundation is an independent organization established in 1998 at the initiative of people from groups that played major roles in Poland's political transformation after 1989. The Foundation carries out projects supporting the development of an informed democratic society, women's participation in political life, and Poland's integration with European institutions. [ more]
Future |
www.future.ngo.pl |
The website, containing educational materials, is dedicated to reflection on topics such as tolerance, respect and dialogue.
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Global Information Networks in Education (GINIE) |
www.ginie.org |
The GINIE project creates Internet education centers, allowing quick access to information for professionals working all over the world, especially in countries affected or threatened by conflict.
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Global Policy Forum |
www.globalpolicy.org |
The Global Policy Forum (GPF) is a non-profit organization created in 1993 by an international group of citizens interested in promoting civil society values. GPF works to strengthen international law and to increase accountability when decisions having global consequences are made. GPF has advisory status in the UN. [ more]
Hilchenbacher Bündnis für Toleranz und Zivilcourage |
www.hilchenbacherbuendnis.de |
The Union is active in German cities. Its purpose is to offer information on right-wing extremists. Its activities are supported by the Evangelical community in the town of Hilchen and its mayor. [ more]
Institute For European Constitutional Law (IECL) |
www.uni-trier.de/~ievr/eng/welcome.htm |
The Institute For European Constitutional Law (IECL) is part of the Faculty of Law at the University of Trier in Germany. It conducts comparative analyses and assesses constitutional law in Europe and worldwide. [ more]
International Network - Education For Democracy, Human Rights And Tolerance |
www.tolerance-net.org |
The activities of the International Network of Education for Democracy, Human Rights and Tolerance focus on promoting the ideas of tolerance and human rights. [ more]
Internet and Education Federation |
www.fio.ru |
The web page includes links to teaching programs. Each one deals with promoting equality and tolerance among various social groups: teachers, parents and students. [ more]
Interreligious Relations and Dialogue. The World Council of Churches (WCC) |
www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/index-e.html |
Interreligious Relations and Dialogue is an organization of the World Council of Churches (WCC). Its goals are to foster interfaith relations, build mutual trust, overcome barriers and stereotypes of a religious nature, and build relations between different faiths in a pluralistic reality. [ more]
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law |
www.bureau.kz |
The Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law succeeds the Kazakhstan-American Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law.
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King Baudouin Foundation |
www.kbs-frb.be |
The King Baudouin Foundation (KBF), with headquarters in Brussels, was established in 1976. Its main objective is to improve people's living conditions. KBF focuses on issues such as social justice, civil society and philanthropy. [ more]
Krzyżowa Foundation (Fundacja Krzyżowa) |
www.krzyzowa.org.pl |
The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding is an independent nongovernmental organization dedicated to encouraging the tolerant coexistence of nations, social groups and individuals.
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Magazyn Międzynarodowy "Obyczaje" |
www.obyczaje.org.pl |
Magazyn Międzynarodowy "Obyczaje" (Customs International Magazine) is published by the Grodzka Gate – NN Theater Center in Lublin, Poland. The quarterly promotes openness to and understanding of Europe’s cultural, linguistic and national diversity, and encourages international contacts. [ more]
MitOst e.V. |
www.mitost.de |
MitOst e.V. is an organization that facilitates and supports cultural and linguistic exchange in Central, Eastern and South-Central Europe. This non-profit organization is involved in building international understanding, education, and supporting cultural and linguistic exchange.
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Moscow School of Human Rights |
www.mshr.ru |
The Moscow School of Human Rights is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization, which aims to disseminate knowledge about human rights and democratization. The website includes publication lists, links, and information about the activities of the organization's staff. [ more]
Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l’Amitié entre les Peuples (MRAP, Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Between Nations) |
www.mrap.asso.fr |
Movement against racism, and in support of friendship between nations.
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National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) |
www.nameorg.org |
The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) is an organization advocating equality in education and social justice. [ more]
North-South Centre (The European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity) |
www.coe.int/T/E/North-South_Centre |
The North-South Centre, also known as the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity, works to support cooperation and solidarity between northern and southern regions of the world. The Centre works to promote democracy and respect for human rights in Europe and beyond. The Centre was established under the Council of Europe in 1989 to serve as its "window on the world". [ more]
Open Republic - The Association Against Antisemitism and Xenophobia |
or.icm.edu.pl |
The Open Republic Association's goal is to foster tolerance and combat anti-Semitism and xenophobia, mainly by initiating and supporting educational activities, documenting manifestations of prejudice and making the public aware of them. [ more]
Open Society Institute & Soros Foundations Network |
www.soros.org |
The Open Society Institute (OSI) is an organization established in New York at the initiative of the financier George Soros. OSI aims to promote open society by shaping governmental policies, supporting education and the media, working to protect human rights, particularly women’s rights, and assisting the implementation of social, legal and economic reforms. OSI also combats the negative effects of globalization. [ more]
Peacemakers Trust |
www.peacemakers.ca |
The Peacemakers Trust is a Canadian charitable organization established in 1999, dedicated to research and education about conflict transformation and peacebuilding around the world. The website offers many materials: case studies, academic publications, a comprehensive bibliography and many links. [ more]
Rromano Kham Foundation |
users.pcnet.ro/helin/Khamhtml.htm |
The Rromano Kham Foundation works to ensure that Romani children and youth have equal opportunities to participate in society through equal access to education, assistance in developing a sense of self-worth and ethnic belonging, and efforts to prevent discrimination, segregation, and ethnic and racial stereotyping.
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Search for Common Ground. The European Center for Common Ground |
www.sfcg.org |
Search for Common Ground (SCG) is a nongovernmental organization active on four continents. It seeks models for prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts related to ethnic, economic and environmental problems. It works in a decentralized fashion, operating in specific locations where conflicts occur. The organization is active in artistic and cultural domains; its activities focus on developmental support for children and youth. The website includes publications, analyses of events, and tools for conflict resolution. [ more]
Step 21 |
www.step21.de |
The Step 21 youth club acts to promote tolerance and responsibility. The initiative encourages dialogue among young people on basic democratic values.
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Stowarzyszenie "Jeden ¦wiat." Polish chapter of Service Civil International. |
www.jedenswiat.org.pl |
Stowarzyszenie "Jeden ¦wiat" (One World Association) is the Polish branch of Service Civil International (SCI). It has been active since 1992. It organizes international volunteer camps, seminars and training for volunteers, targeted campaigns, and long-term educational programs.
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Stowarzyszenie "Willa Decjusza" (Villa Decius Association) |
www.villa.org.pl |
The Villa Decius Association, headquartered in Cracow, Poland, was created in 1995. Its main objective is to support, develop and promote artistic and literary activity and international cultural and intellectual collaboration. The website contains up-to-date information about events at the Villa Decius center, meeting agendas, workshops and conferences. [ more]
Stowarzyszenie Kobiet Romskich w Polsce |
free.ngo.pl/kobietyromskie |
Stowarzyszenie Kobiet Romskich w Polsce (Association of Romani Women in Poland) was established in 2000 in Cracow, Poland, to help develop and implement projects to combat and counteract discrimination against the Romani community in Małopolska Province, encourage civic action among this minority group, and to work for equal educational opportunities for Roma. [ more]
Teaching for Change |
www.teachingforchange.org |
Teaching for Change is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., which works to incorporate problems of social inequality and injustice into the education process. Its goal is to introduce materials and methods into the American educational system that teach what multiculturalism means and sensitize students to the symptoms of social discrimination. The website includes a unique catalog of publications useful to teachers, a calendar of conferences and workshops, descriptions of projects carried out in the District of Columbia, and links to critical analyses of current events.
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The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) |
www.cnvc.org |
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is an international non-profit organization which aims to popularize the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) model as a method of communication and conflict resolution on various levels of social relations. [ more]
The Department of Canadian Heritage |
www.pch.gc.ca |
The Department of Canadian Heritage is a government institution responsible for promoting the Canadian cultural heritage, civic involvement and cultural participation, and for strengthening ties among Canadians.
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The Elijah Institute |
www.elijah.org.il |
The Elijah Institute is an Israeli organization consisting of three institutions: the Elijah School for the Study of Wisdom in World Religions, the Elijah Interfaith Academy, and the Elijah Educational Network. It creates an arena for communication among religious leaders and scholars, and is a member of the UNESCO educational network. The Institute offers collaborative programs and academic curricula aimed at promoting the politics of peace and coexistence, and social change in a religious spirit. The website contains many articles and educational materials. [ more]
The Grodzka Gate NN Theater Center |
www.tnn.lublin.pl |
The Center is a local government cultural institute in Lublin, working for the preservation of cultural heritage and education. In its programs the Center invokes the symbolic and historical meaning of its location, the Grodzka Gate (the former gate between the Christian and the Jewish cities), and of the city of Lublin, a meeting place of cultures, traditions and religions.
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The Institute for Conflict Management |
www.satp.org/satporgtp/icm/index.html |
The Institute for Conflict Management is an organization set up in 1997 in New Delhi, committed to the evaluation and resolution of internal security problems in South Asia. It offers an interdisciplinary focus on issues of internal security, conflict resolution, and related social and economic issues. One of the main projects is the South Asia Terrorism Portal, an extensive source of information and social and political analyses.
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The Judaica Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture |
www.judaica.pl |
The idea of creating the Judaica Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture was born in Cracow at the end of the 1980s, a time of historic changes in Poland. The idea emerged among people from the worlds of culture, education and the arts. The late President of the Jewish Congregation in Cracow, Czesław Jakubowicz, was actively involved in this civic initiative. The Foundation began its activities in 1991, and on November 24, 1993, the Center was opened under its auspices.
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The Platform of European Social NGOs (Social Platform) |
www.socialplatform.org |
The Social Platform (SP) is an association of over 30 European nongovernmental organizations involved in promoting the social dimension of the European Union. The goal of SP is to build a Europe based on social justice and fundamental human rights. The organizations involved in the Platform cooperate with the most important EU institutions. [ more]
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation |
unpo.org |
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation is an international organization bringing together representatives of indigenous peoples, national minorities and independent territories, who have united to protect their cultures, human rights and natural environments, and to jointly seek peaceful methods of resolving conflicts. [ more]
We the Peoples Initiative |
www.wethepeoples.org |
The We the Peoples Initiative, a program of Pathways to Peace (PTP), is an international project working alongside the United Nations. It brings together organized groups and small organizations promoting the idea of world peace, and acts to strengthen their effectiveness and increase the direct participation of young people in the decision-making process within global organizations. The website allows the user to search for information, cooperating partners and assistance via a mailing list, and also WPI annual reports on its work and on the yearly International Day of Peace (October 21). [ more]
World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) |
www.wcrp.org |
Religions for Peace is a coalition of representatives of the largest religions of the world, whose purpose is to create a discussion forum for interreligious dialogue and peaceful coexistence. Religions for Peace engages in initiatives related to conflict dynamics, human rights, education for peace, disarmament and security. [ more]
www.civilrights.org |
www.civilrights.org |
Civilrights.org was created by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund as a center of information about human rights.
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