This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
The Future website was created with thoughts of the future. It contains reflections on topics such as tolerance, respect and dialogue. The web page includes educational materials or links to them, which can assist educators in teaching about tolerance and multiculturalism, as well as information about interesting events, initiatives and ideas that focus on promoting tolerance and inter-cultural dialogue, and that take an active stand against xenophobia and racism. The site has examples of activities, up-to-date news, and a gallery. Visitors to the site can make their own suggestions, add information and share their own opinions.
Future emerged out of a project under "Dialogue for the Future", a two-year program funded by the Ford Foundation, supporting valuable initiatives promoting the idea of dialogue, especially between Poles and Jews. The Future website is included on the Polish NGO website,
Language version: Polish
News: yes
Newsletter: yes
Downloadable educational materials: yes, in Polish and English: opportunities for the exchange of ideas, acquisition of partners and volunteers, and offers for cooperation. The website features descriptions of worthwhile projects. It is possible to register one’s own initiative in need of financing. Also:
- Information about competitions
- Encyclopedia of national minorities
- links to CBOS (Centrum Badan Opinii Publicznej) public opinion study results (available in Polish and English via
- Poles’ opinions on the Jedwabne crimes: Raport CBOS: Polacy wobec zbrodni w Jedwabnem
- Poles’ opinions on the Jedwabne crimes – changes in public awareness: Raport CBOS: Polacy wobec zbrodni w Jedwabnem – przemiany społecznej świadomości
- Poles-Jews: Raport CBOS: Polacy - Żydzi
- Stereotypes of Poles and Europeans: Raport CBOS: Stereotyp Polaka i Europejczyka
- Social distance or tolerance and openness? Attitudes toward Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism, Judaism and Islam: Raport CBOS: Dystans społeczny czy tolerancja i otwartość? Postawy wobec wyznawców prawosławia, protestantyzmu, judaizmu i islamu
- Poles opinions on reconciliation with Germans and Ukrainians: Raport CBOS: Polacy o pojednaniu z Niemcami i Ukraińcami
- Polish attitudes toward other nations, History vis a vis national stereotypes, Our neighbors in the eyes of students: Raport CBOS: Stosunek Polaków do innych narodów, Historia a stereotypy narodowe, Nasi sąsiedzi w oczach studentów
Downloadable educational materials for teachers:
- Traces of the Past (Ślady przeszłości) – students adopt historical monuments
- Teaching Tolerance – an American initiative addressed mainly to teachers.
Downloadable educational materials, links, teachers’ advice, novelties, current events (in English):
- Tolerance in films – a list of world films related to the issue of tolerance, created by UNESCO as a teaching aid.
- Teaching history through intercultural dialogue and other selected topics – materials made available by the Polish-German Cooperation House, from the book Teaching History in Ethnically Mixed Regions, containing materials from the international conference in Opole, Poland in September 1999 (.pdf format).
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