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Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Wiêcej, The Never Again Association
The Never Again Association was created in 1996 to carry out projects of the informal Anti-Nazi Group (GAN). Through educational activities and publications, the Association combats all manifestations of criminal ideologies emerging in contemporary times. It opposes discrimination, xenophobia and racism in all forms. The Association’s website contains an electronic version of the quarterly publication Never Again. It gives access to back issues and reports on the work of anti-fascist activists. Among the most important accomplishments of the Association are a campaign for the constitutional prohibition of all racist or Nazi activities, the „Music against racism" campaign, and the „Let’s kick racism out of our stadiums" project.
Language version: English (part), Polish
News: no
Newsletter: no
Downloadable educational materials: electronic versions of current and back issues of Never Again; documentation of racist and xenophobic incidents and crimes committed by neofascists in a catalogue entitled „Brunatna Ksiega" (The Brown Book); links to anti-racism sites
Contact: Stowarzyszenie "Nigdy Wiêcej"
03-700 Warsaw 4
Tel.: 0601 360 835