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Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat." Polish chapter of Service Civil International.
Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" (One World Association) is the Polish branch of Service Civil International (SCI), an international nongovernmental organization established in 1920. SCI promotes peace and understanding between nations through volunteer work. SCI chapters are registered as non-profit volunteer organizations. In the international arena, SCI has advisory status to UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

The aim of "Jeden Świat" is to develop volunteerism in order to promote peace and tolerance; cultivate mutual understanding between people from different countries, nations, cultures and faiths; provide moral and material support to individuals and groups working with physically or mentally disabled people and people who cannot find their place in society; and promote alternatives to military service.

The association's website features current events, describes ongoing projects, reports the results of completed projects, and shows how to get involved in volunteerism.

Language version: English (part), Polish
News: yes
Newsletter: no
Downloadable educational materials: no
Contact: Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat"
ul. Krasińskiego 3A/1
60-830 Poznań
Tel.: +48 61 84 84 338
Fax: +48 61 84 84 337