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Center For Christian-Muslim Studies
The primary goal of the Center for Christian-Muslim Studies (CCMS) is to promote cooperation and understanding between Christians and Muslims, the lack of which is particularly evident since the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center, when Islamic fundamentalist terrorists were equated with the entire Arab world. CCMS strives to break this negative stereotype, highlighting the positive values of Arab cultures and the similarities between Christian and Muslim cultures. The university’s location in a half-Christian, half-Muslim country allows it to attract students of both faiths. The Center conducts analyses and studies in Lebanese universities, churches, mosques, and institutions associated with different religious groups. Frequent visits by scholars from various circles around the world facilitate discussion and debate among students, departments, and persons from outside of the university (politicians, journalists, etc.) about religious and cultural diversity. The university’s activities are featured in three journals: Hawliyat, Chronos and Al-Marquab.
Language version: English
News: no
Newsletter: no
Downloadable educational materials: no
Contact: E-mail: Dr. Georges Massouh:
Catherine Srour: