This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training - DECET
DECET activity is based on promoting self-identification of children in society, teaching them respect and tolerance towards other cultures, then fostering a critical attitude toward biases, and finally teaching appropriate reactions to those biases, whether racial, cultural, social, or other. The DECET web pages include a list of organizations from 14 European countries which support the above-stated ideas and implied actions. The site also contains a database of books, articles, multimedia sources and video films dedicated to teaching children tolerance.
On its web pages, DECET also promotes the French organization IEDPE (Institut Européen pour le Developpement des potentialités de tous les enfants) - European Institute for the Development Potential of All Children. IEDPE, established in 1992, brings together over 500 teachers, researchers, trainers, and practitioners to prevent "socio-educational exclusion", as well as other social setbacks in school.
Language version: English, French (incomplete)
News: no
Newsletter: yes
Downloadable educational materials: Yes, a database of books, articles, multimedia sources and video films dedicated to teaching children tolerance.
Materials available to order online -
Contact: E-mail: