This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT)
Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) was created in the 1980s at the initiative of the Mennonite religious community. It strives for a peaceful, Christian values-based alternative to violence and armed conflict, and for resolution of intergroup conflicts and other problems related to human rights violations.

To carry out its mission, CPT uses organized teams and delegations whose members are appropriately trained in methods of peaceful resolution of conflicts, adapted to the specific culture. Members of the Peacemaker Corps, a CPT initiative, work full-time for three years in regions of conflict. They support local leaders in conflict resolution and peace maintenance, inform about human rights violations, develop relations with the media, and lead workshops on peaceful resolution of conflicts.

The website contains a description of the CPT mission and programs in various parts of the world, features current campaigns (e.g., against violent toys, against the destruction of Palestinian settlements in Hebron), invites participation in these projects, and suggests useful tools and resources for those interested. The website also includes the Sunday school schedule, applications for the Peacemaker Corps, a collection of online publications, the annual report, a news archive, a helpful bibliography and links.
Language version: English
News: yes
Newsletter: yes
Downloadable educational materials: On-line publications:
Sunday school lessons:
Tools for carrying out a local Violent Toys campaign:
Contact: Christian Peacemaker Teams
Box 6508
Chicago, IL 60680-6508
Tel.: 773-277-0253
Fax. 773-277-0291