This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
France Libertés Fondation Danielle Mitterrand
France Libertés Fondation Danielle Mitterrand was founded by Danielle Mitterrand in 1986 through the merger of three human rights organizations. The Foundation plays an advisory role to the United Nations and has partner organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Foundation records human rights violations and supports initiatives promoting the right to justice, education and health care. It assists in humanitarian aid campaigns, acts to eliminate all forms of torture, and fights poverty and social exclusion. The website contains articles about human rights, economics, education and development, and has extensive archive of all campaigns, projects and workshops initiated by the Foundation.
Language version: French
News: yes
Newsletter: no
Downloadable educational materials: no
Contact: France Libertés
22 rue de Milan
75 009 Paris
Tel.: + 33 1 53 25 10 40
Fax : + 33 1 48 74 01 26