This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
Équality, PEE Comenius Action 1, 1996-1999
The web page is dedicated to the "Equality" project, realized 1996-1999 as part of the EU Comenius program. "Equality" employed the questionnaire method to assess the equality of opportunities for boys and girls aged 16-20. The sample consisted of students from secondary vocational schools in Belgium, Sweden, Italy and Spain (about 300 from each country). Students took an active part in project implementation and data analysis. A Belgian technical school, the College Technique Saint-Henri in Mouscron, coordinated the study.
The web page contains descriptions of each step of the project, many French links devoted to the topics of equal opportunity, education via the Internet, presentation of the project participants, and the Comenius and Socrates programs.
Language version: French
News: no
Newsletter: no
Downloadable educational materials: Fragments of M.A. thesis on the situation of women in Belgium (doc format). The page contains descriptions of all stages of the project, and its methodology from questionnaire design to result analysis for Belgium and Spain ( - useful for similar projects
Contact: College Technique Saint-Henri
Avenue Royale, 50
7700 Mouscron